APPROACHING Masai Mara - Kenia 2020
24 × 13 in / 60 × 33 cm / Edition of 20
42 × 23 in / 107 × 59 cm / Edition of 10
59 × 33 in / 150 × 83 cm / Edition of 5
When you get up at 4:45 a.m., quickly get dressed, then go on a bumpy, slippery ride for over an hour, and then suddenly a leopard comes out of the tall grass and looks at you like that, your life seems somehow unreal. Luluka is an enormous powerhouse and is often mistaken for a male leopard. When she sneaks towards you at a distance of 5 meters, your heart stops for a moment!
For information regarding availability and pricing of limited edition prints in this series, please contact me using the form below.