TALL FRIEND Masai Mara - Kenia 2021
24 × 16 in / 60 × 40 cm / Edition of 20
42 × 28.5 in / 107 × 72 cm / Edition of 10
59 × 39.5 in / 150 × 100 cm / Edition of 5
On the one hand, giraffes are very shy, but on the other hand, they are also quite curious! Since we had a wonderful cloud formation in the sky that afternoon, my idea was to take a low-angle picture of the giraffe on the wide area with the mountains in the background and the beautiful clouds. I hung my camera upside down on my monopod from the vehicle so that I could take photos with the remote control from as close to the ground as possible. The giraffe kept running away for a while, but then stopped and watched me curiously, then approached again and then ran away again. It was like the tugging and pulling of opposing clock forces – escape thought versus curiosity.
For information regarding availability and pricing of limited edition prints in this series, please contact me using the form below.