OUT OF THE DARK Masai Mara - Kenia 2023

16 × 24 in / 40 × 60 cm / Edition of 20
28.5 × 42 in / 72 × 107 cm / Edition of 15
39.5 × 59 in / 100 × 150 cm / Edition of 10

Immediately after we left our camp at 5:05 in the morning, we found this giraffe in front of the main entrance. She was sitting on the ground in the tall grass with her neck stretched and had probably spent the night that way. That day, the sun didn't rise until 5:31, which meant it was still pitch dark. Only the silhouette of the giraffe’s neck and her head could be seen against the orange sky.

For information regarding availability and pricing of limited edition prints in this series, please contact me using the form below.