CURIOSITY Masai Mara - Kenia 2021

24 × 16 in / 60 × 40 cm / Edition of 20
42 × 28.5 in / 107 × 72 cm / Edition of 15
59 × 39.5 in / 150 × 100 cm / Edition of 10

After we got the opportunity to photograph some hyenas at their kill in the golden light, we were looking for the leopard female Fig when we discovered the four jackal cubs. On the edge of a large flat area, they were just exploring the area when they suddenly began to bark wildly - to greet their parents, as we realized shortly afterwards. The family immediately began to make their way across the large flat area - led by the mother – of course. Again and again they took a short break to search the horizon for other animals so that we had the opportunity to photograph them. To take pictures from as flat an angle as possible, I used my monopod and held it upside down with the camera attached out of the vehicle. Of course, the young jackal found it incredibly interesting and watched me curiously…

For information regarding availability and pricing of limited edition prints in this series, please contact me using the form below.