CURIOUS Masai Mara - Kenia 2020

16 × 24 in / 40 × 60 cm / Edition of 20
28.5 × 42 in / 72 × 107 cm / Edition of 15
39.5 × 59 in / 100 × 150 cm / Edition of 10

For me, watching lion cubs in Africa is one of the most beautiful things you can do there. That afternoon we found a lioness who was calling her two cubs to come out of their hide. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, the two little rascals came out of the deep grass, down a small path down the slope and ran towards their mother and towards us. Suddenly the two stopped and looked at us curiously, and this picture was taken.

For information regarding availability and pricing of limited edition prints in this series, please contact me using the form below.